Unit Testing Spring Boot applications

Balaji Srinivasan
2 min readMar 26, 2021

Spring boot becoming a common defacto for writing micro-services in the Java ecosystem. We have a lot of frameworks and options to write unit and integration tests are available.

We are not going to discuss in detail writing unit-testing. But setting up the necessary things that enable us to independently write end-to-end tests for our spring boot applications.


Our application is going to be a simple back-end service connected with a database. In our case, let’s assume it is PostgreSQL. Based on your application architecture the same template can be changed. Below the types of tests we have

  • Controller Level Tests
  • Service Level Tests
  • Core Business Logic

Most of the time we might miss validating our repository/data layer via tests under the assumption all will be fine. But if we do it, it is always good to ensure we don’t end up with weird data issues in production. As I mentioned above TestContainers are a good way to write tests including embedded databases. Cored database schema migrations are integrated into the application bootup. We can use tools like flyway or liquibase to do this.


For our application, we should have the below properties src/test/java/resource/application.properties for effective testing

We have passed our values to be env variables. You can refer here

Base Image

Create a base image for your projects and push it to some registry. Either docker hub or anything which can be accessed. Please keep this base image minimal without any confidential details of your project. Let’s assume we have a base image named orgname/base-springboot

We would need a docker-compose.yml file to have this setup working end to end. Below is a docker-compose that can be used for reference

How to Run the tests?

Below is the simple command that can be used to run the tests

docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from application_under_test

What the above command does is spins the DB, application and runs the tests. If a test failed it gets exit. The same command can be used in CI/CD pipelines also. To fasten the process the base image should be built with all common dependencies.



Balaji Srinivasan

Love Building Things. Engineer more passionate about backend engineering